Objects and “Their Power To Move us”

“From a piece of the Wright brother’s plane to a child’s sugar egg, today: Things! Important things, little things, personal things, things you can hold and things that can take hold of you. This hour, we investigate the objects around us, their power to move us, and whether it’s better to look back or move on, hold on tight or just let go.”

Gift yourself 1 hour and 1 minute and let hosts Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich from the WNYC podcast Radiolab weave you through 3 stories of what Appadurai calls “the social life of things.”  Give it a try! There is no storytelling quite like Radiolab storytelling. If you don’t have the full hour, you can pick and choose which story you want to listen to here. My favourite is: The Seed Jar.

Listen to “Things” by clicking on the image above.

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