Atemporality: Our Relationship To History Has Changed

Within the ephemeral solution of atemporality, storyteller Nerdwriter1 poses an important question in about the way historians and their audiences interact with narratives of the past. Why does it feel like we are moving away from what we once accepted as truth? A clear, pixelated proponent of modern technology, the YouTuber pins a global, growing malaise surrounding the academic history on a greater dissemination of different forms of knowledge due to “the network.”

I believe Public History could and should be created within this network. Around minute 4 he slowly annunciates, “We. Have. Access.” Access for the people to material evidence and an ever-expanding wealth of writing have revolutionized history and historiography, but it also hightlights an tension within the field. How do we create “coherent narratives” within such a chaotic space?

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